As the top says, we like to sail, travel and eat. Most of this blog is written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Beware that I might get a bit salty with the language at times, but it's all in good fun.
And despite what you may read, we are a very happily married couple.because we can laugh at ourselves.
Laugh. Love. Eat. Sail. Enjoy.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Twelve Volt Man

Stage One of the great electrical refit has been accomplished.  If I can get Sparky to contribute I'm sure he has some valuable information.
So what got done.

New battery bank of six (6!  6!!!) batteries.
New beefed up alternator.
New monitors for battery system/alternator.
New wiring from alternator to battery bank.
New battery charger/alternator.
They call him the twelve volt man....

I was finally allowed on the boat which resulted in me kinda doing a Roger Rabbitt impression and an OMG WTF thrown in for good measure.

OMG--The DC electrical panel just barfed up on my chart table

I started to get a bit shaky, thus the blurry picture
Oh, oh my

However, I was elected to help (which if I want ANY access to my boat again…..) mainly I was the flashlight holder and measuring tape girl.
At one point, I tried to climb out of the cockpit locker and managed to imbed the locker shelf into my back.  Quite fantastic cussing and bruising ensued.

As far as the technical aspect, I need to get full report on it, but basically, as with most boat projects, electrical work entails 24,000 trips to the hardware/battery/online stores.
Cussing.  Contortions in such a way that you expect to drafted into the next Cirque de Soleil show.

Did I mention cussing?

So, we are sitting there, getting ready to start it all up. Fingers crossed.  Sparky says, turn the ignition…….


Hubby looks like he could cry.  "Then..did you turn the batteries back on? You were supposed to turn the switch back on."

Harrumph.  I was not TOLD to turn them back on.  For once I'm there being perfectly well behaved and following every order without arguing, commentary or anything and that's the thanks I get.
"Did you turn the batteries back on.

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