So, in the midst of drinking, visiting, eating, drinking, listening to music, drinking. We decided to bail on Key West.
See previous blog. Those who know us would realize that we probably are NOT the best couple to get holed up in a hotel room together with no electricity. (I would have the storm to entertain me.....but no patience for Compy Comp)
AirTran was gloriously helpful in rescheduling us out of Fort Lauderdale. Expedia was glorious in refunding what part of the reservation we didn't use. We should have spent more time on the hotel, but more on that later (user error, NOT the hotel's fault)
So after some early morning rain bands, we decide to take a quick walk before the jaunt up to Fort Lauderdale.
Key West was dee-seeert-ed.
Battening down the hatches on the fleet.
Taking out anchors to further secure.
We talked to a live aboard couple on a schooner they designed/built themselves that were going to ride out the storm. They have been on their boat for 32 years and been through 10 hurricanes. I bow in honor of thee. I didn't feel right about taking pictures as they are trying to protect home and hearth, but it was a kick ass boat with kick ass custom woodwork with whales and dolphins on it.
Outer bands of Isaac coming in. Look at how still the water is. |
Heading up the keys we went down Blimp Road to see Fat Albert on land.
The picture doesn't do justice on how big it is. |
MY BABY!...oh, and my husband.
Checking on her on the way up. She's staked down and ready to go.
The stake on the ground by it is an example of how deep they go.
About 18 inches augured metal.
Weather starting to go to crap.
About 2/3rd up the Keys by now.
However, we made it to Fort Lauderdale safe and sound. Slightly damp.
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