This is not good.
Yes, our engine hath overheated. So, what's wrong? as we sit dead in the water (no problem, calm day), he starts diagnosing this and that, basically every part of the engine.
Can't figure out what's going on.
Me, not a dumb blond, but not an engine guru either, can only come up with one thing: Is it the the strainer thingiemajobber?
Very mechanically minded husband just looks at me like I started reciting The Iliad in Latin or something, said, uh, yeah, probably is.
So, up comes a gooey, nasty, filled to the brim with sea grass and other noxious substances of the sea, strainer. I get to clean it out. NICE. And I get the a/c strainer also, might as well get them all while we ain't doing anything.
So, we sit there floating our boat letting the engine cool down.
And husband rant commences: I hate these f-ing dummy lights on the panel. I want a TEMP GAUGE DAMMIT. Not some stupid thing that lets me know AFTER THE FACT.
Good point. And note to my fellow boaters, make sure your gauges actually provide you with information, not a binary code for YOU GOOD / YOU SCREWED.
So, finally we start the engine back up and continue our journey, unfortunately still heading into the wind, and so the iron genny needs to be utilized.
We repeat the cool down routine a couple more times, but the strainer is clean each time now, so the spouse starts researching online what could be going on.
(Folks, I just don't see what is going to happen if we ever leave the comforts of having a cell tower within 10 miles)
Finally, we get to Bahia Honda. And we are about to put on a show.
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