And we need Southwest points to keep status and companion pass up. Did we succeed? SCORE!
Thus, a quick vacation to Key West. Sans boat. Very disturbing. Especially since we have a storage locker filled with our crap from the boat. Did we check on it? I wanted to, but the spouse said, it's either there or it isn't.
Yeah, but..........
It's not that I particularly materialistic, or even I hold on to belonging that tightly. It's just that it took several years to pick out and acquire the crap for our boat, and I don't necessarily want to do it again at this time.
Southwest cracked us up on the way down. SEVERAL warnings about the carrier landing at the Key West International Airport. Yes, it is international, they fly to Cuba. We are in Orlando and they make the first announcement...before you board...yes, they do. Of course, people who have never flown there before are suddenly going what? Huh. Are we going to die? Those of us who've done it, say, yeah, you better drive. (because we want more seats to ourselves, of course).
Flight was uneventful, but even after doing this flight at least a dozen times, it's still unnerving to watch the tiny terminal go whipping past, because you know at that point how much runway you have left. You know because you don't have a jetway, you walk from the plane to the terminal. Very 1950s, very cool.
Nothing new or exciting on this trip, got up, ate, went for a several mile walk, ate, ate some more, drank a lot. Watched sunset, listened to music. Ate. Rinse/repeat.
One of the newer restaurants that has become popular with the server crowd is 2cents they have recently added a Happy Hour special. Bacon shots. Don't get wierded out. Free slices of bacon served in a shot glass as long as you are ordering drinks during happy hour.
As a former marketing person. BRILLIANT. Bacon+delicious+salty=buy more drinks. BRILLIANT.
We had gone out on a sunset cruise so we arrived too late for Bacon Happy Hour, but we had to get some bacon before we felt left out.
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BACON!!!! |
One of my favorite review about it on TripAdvisor was from a lady that was HORRIFIED that the resident cat drank from the small pool. OMG. How tragic! Seriously. Obviously, this lady has never had pets or never been around a pool with people who've had pets. Newsflash! Most pools are so heavily chlorinated they have less microbes, bacteria and other assorted nonesense than lakes or oceans do. BTW--we have pets and a pool and high heat in the summer. And they do drink from it, wash their paws in it, we are still alive!
That being said, late this summer here's one of our visitors. A young heron who just discovered our pool and was wondering why there wasn't fish in it.
So, we once again took the lovely America 2.0 Schooner out for a sunset sail. This is one boat that I do NOT get seasick on, all the canvas was flying also. Maybe, just maybe, that means I'm starting to develop my sea legs.
We did see the green flash. I did not try to take pictures, because the captain and I were both convinced that it would happen. And it did, it was spectacular. One of our fellow passengers got a great photo of it, because obviously he not only had better equipment, but he had the patience. He let us see the photo. Sadly, Tim still couldn't see the difference even in the camera. Remember the color blind bit?
As we came back, we were treated to the moon rising. The sun gets all the credit, but a moon rise and moonset is just as spectacular.
Also, coming back we were treated to the cruise ship traffic jam. Not a place you want to be as a novice boater. And you better hope to shout your motor works if you are a sailor.
Hey Mallory Square, we just screwed up your sunset viewing. You're welcome. |
More to say about our Key West trip in a later post.
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