But, today, I arrive at the boat to see that we've got a stowaway.
Le petite raton.
And no, not a cool one that:
a) had a cool accent and saved orphans
b) could help whip up some stellar French cuisine
c) help move the family house when the Farmer's plow was on it's way.
Wait! Did I just throw some rodent-movie trivia at you? Yes, I did. Answers below.
First clue that we had a visitor was the lovely confetti that rodents do love to toss around.
Second clue:
I tried to take the pic outside, but 25kt winds were blowing it all around. However its snack crackers, the package of 6? Almost all of it eaten. Thus explaining the copious amounts of rodent confetti all over the boat.
Then my straw cowboy hat, that will make a FINE nest. Now, I'm starting to feel like the Three Bears after Goldilocks visited.
Then I head further and get hit with a stench from the head. OH SHIT. That little cretin has drowned in the head.
So preparing myself for bloated dead mouse carcass, I look in our toilet to see. Two big black eyes staring back at me. 'uh, lady, could you help me out here?'
Me: I'm very unhappy at this moment. This is NOT cool.
Mouse: Dude, let's get some perspective here. I'm up to my neck in a TOILET!
So at this point, I am relieved that I won't have to worry about mysterious rodents popping out at me unawares (however, there can be friends on board, will find out tomorrow). Also relieved that we don't have a dead mouse in our toilet.
But how the blank am I supposed to get Toilet Mouse out of my head?
So, a combination of one bucket, two bowls and a paper plate and Toilet Mouse was now safely ensconced in a bucket. To which I marched way away from the docks (what the hell is crazy bucket lady doing?) and released Toilet Mouse to hopefully be eaten by a snake later on.
![]() |
I dub thee, TOILET MOUSE |
Toilet Mouse wasn't really excited about leaving the bucket at first, why would he? Seriously, he just partied on our boat like a rock band at the Ritz.
Back to the boat to now clean up his little disaster, trying not to think of Hantavirus the entire time. I mentioned to my spouse that the little guy was hanging out in blue water (I always dump a little tank cleaner when we leave), my spouse replies. Well, did you rinse him off before you let him go?
So, the answers to Mouse-Movie Trivia
a) The Rescuers--voiced by Eva Gabor
b) Ratatouille--voice by Patton Oswalt
c) Mrs. Brisby and the Rats of NIMH--novel
You always have the fun boat. Everyone wants to be on your boat and I mean EVERYONE (man and mouse).
The word it out. Evidence that another bugger is on board. This time things aren't going to go so well for Mr. Mouse.