As the top says, we like to sail, travel and eat. Most of this blog is written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Beware that I might get a bit salty with the language at times, but it's all in good fun.
And despite what you may read, we are a very happily married couple.because we can laugh at ourselves.
Laugh. Love. Eat. Sail. Enjoy.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Straight from!?!?

My husband brought this home yesterday.  He actually bought it because of the picture on the bottle. More on that later.

First, lets get a visual:

Eastern Kansas is starting to develop quite a few local wineries.  I have to be honest, I have not traditional been a fan of the wines that come out of here and Missouri.  But, part of that has to do with my taste preference.  I'm not a wine snob, I don't care if the wine came from the Bordeaux region of France or Eudora, Kansas.  It's all about taste.  And for the record?  My heart lies in the Malbourough region of New Zealand, with Oregon and Washington starting to cover some ground.

So back to why my spouse bought the wine.  The picture on the bottle is by a Native American artist, Brent Learned   really, he has some interesting work reflecting his heritage.

So, what's a Seyval.  If you are wine snob, it's the demon spawn of hybrid grapes.  If you are not, the Seyval Blanc hybrid produces quite a crisp taste at least in this vintage.  So, what I am trying to say, I am impressed with this little winery literally 6 miles from where I live.  Kudos to you.  If you are interested in viniculture, look up Seyval Blanc.

The midwest uses a lot of hybrid grapes, mainly I believe because of the incredible harsh environment the midwest can throw at you (heat, cold, the plagues of Egypt...and I'm not kidding)

It's a young winery, and you can tell by the taste, but once again. I am impressed.  (I got an 'age of the grapevine' lesson in Napa Valley once..)

If you are wondering about the name, I'm pretty sure it's an American Civil War reference.

So, whereever you are, go explore your local offerings.  You may be surprised!

1 comment:

  1. Yay you for supporting the local if it's good. Now drink up Shriner and help out the locals likeo you mean it! Can they bag it for the lake? I smell a fun bag in your near future!

