As the top says, we like to sail, travel and eat. Most of this blog is written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Beware that I might get a bit salty with the language at times, but it's all in good fun.
And despite what you may read, we are a very happily married couple.because we can laugh at ourselves.
Laugh. Love. Eat. Sail. Enjoy.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The 'other boat' in the fleet

My little red skate doesn't get much press here on the blog.  It's a single Hobie Adventure Island that I bought about 3 years ago or so.

The past couple of weeks, we've really been getting to use her, she needs some love over the winter with some tuning up and sail repairs but it hasn't slowed her down.

The spouse and I take turns.  Usually I come back with the back filled with all sorts of lake trash.  The aluminum cans wind up in the donation bin for the local humane society, so I don't mind picking up.  Keep your waterways clean!

A note to the power boaters--this IS NOT a jet ski, I do not enjoy you coming close so I can get hang time on your wake.  And neither does Little Red.

The spouse heading off to play.

Screen shot from the Navionics App showing my average speed.
(The phone got put away after I picked up another knot of speed)

Now, it's interactive boating time!  With a waterproof camera I filmed some of my afternoon voyage. It's been edited for time and fingers in the view finder.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Another sail loft project

This one really intimidated me.  New cockpit cushions.  Never been a fan, used to help my mom with some upholstery projects, never liked it.

Or maybe it was when a piece of a couch about took her index finger off.  That crap kinda sticks with you.

However, with a big thanks to Sailrite (and a thank you for not calling me after I ordered my THIRD zipper and say, now just what is wrong with you, child.)  With some free videos online, great service, great inventory, I was able to pattern and kick out new cockpit cushions for the boat.

Next boat project this fall will be woodwork and leather wrapping the wheel.

Playing about in the neighborhood

We live outside Kansas City, it makes it very convenient to bomb over there for cool concerts, shows and other events.

Kansas City has also done a SUPERB job with re-gentrifying their downtown area, I remember when I first moved here, think, OMG, this ain't good.

But, since then, the Sprint Center and accompanying Power & Light District has gone in.  The mainstays such as Country Club Plaza have stayed strong, they just completed the beautiful Kaufmann Center for the Performing Arts, Union Station has great revolving exhibits and there are more fantastic restaurants than you can shake a stick at.

And no, folks, KC is not known only for its barbecue.

One of the areas, that is slowly gaining steam and getting better and better is the Crossroads Art District just south of the downtown area. You can actually walk downtown to Crossroads nowadays without feeling you are going to be mugged every two steps. BIG improvement.

Besides some fabo restaurants coming into the area, they've had a great live music venue for some time now.  Great local and national acts.

What's better, they even do FREE shows once in a while. So, in a last minute decision we run over to see The Rainmakers and The Nace Brothers.  Great show, starting to feel a bit old tho'!

Before hand we walked around found some interesting artwork and a nice little joint called 'The Brick', funky little place that was evidently featured on Guy Fieri's Diners, Dives and Drive-Thrus.

Meet my little robot friend.

Warning: Total Geek Alert.
Inside The Brick, MST3K artwork.
Seriously, HOW COOL IS THAT.

Our yummies for the evening. Tim had the house specialty wings.
I had a ham and cheese on rye that was really, really good.
And you can get veggies and hummus as a side. BONUS!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

So long, HemiD

By the end of this month, we will have closed on the Hemi D.  Bittersweet to be sure, she was a good boat to us, very forgiving as we learned, very comfortable when we in the Keys.

However, I'm very happy to say that she's going to great new owners.  Very nice people, new to sailing, but they are taking classes and our broker is going to give them free lessons.

I know she's going to be in good hands with Alan and Danielle.

We apparently got a glowing preliminary report from the surveyor, so that's a big load off our minds.

Hemisphere Dancer (sooned to be renamed Finalmente) off for her sea trials.

The sea trials went great, I didn't go along, I was still not up to snuff from the previous days adventures.  But even though it was a bit rough, Danielle and Alan had a blast out on the water, so that's good.

Key West trip...and smoke alarms on a plane

Lots going on!

Let's first start with the trip down there.  A wise man once said, the difference between ordeal and adventure is attitude.  And we got to prove that in spades.

One hour out of KC some alarms go off.  Very unpleasant.  They are designed to get your attention and they do quite the spiffy job of doing it.  We are still 1.5 hours from our touch down in Tampa.

What is going on.  So, soon the flight attendants come on and say BOTH lav smoke detectors are going off.  Groovy.

However, since we can't smell smoke, the plane still seems to be maintaining a nice 35,000 foot altitude, they are going to keep going to Tampa.

Fifteen minutes later..."This is your captain speaking, we are going to divert to Birmingham".  Once again, groovy.

That's when suddenly a plane gets vewwwy, vewwwy qwiet, as Elmer Fudd would say.  Tim decides that this is the time his imagination is going to get the best of him and keeps saying, do you smell something?  Do you smell something?

Keep it down honey, the passengers are getting nervous.

Of course, I can't smell anything because I still had lingering sinus problems from my cold and I was more concerned with the sudden drop in altitude to get to Birmingham, and the fact my sinus were trying to push themselves out of my skull via my molars and eyeballs. (Take note, kiddies, flying with sinus problems is not fun)

So, after what seemed to be the world's longest circular approach (that's to get the FIRE TRUCKS ready), we land to a welcoming committee that your average airline passenger doesn't want to see--The Birmingham Airport Fire Department.

So, we get to a safe area so that the fire department can look for signs of flame or smoke outside the airplane.  Nice, but I'M  IN THE AIRPLANE--thinking jet fuel, oxygen, fire/jet fuel, oxygen, fire.

We get the all clear to go to the gate.  We are told to sit tight while the fire department checks the lavs. The firemen now board the plane in full SCBA and fire gear. At this point, I'm punchy and say to Tim, what the hell, if HE'S not getting on the plane without full gear, where's MINE.  So, that gets us entirely in hysterics.  Of course, every passenger has their iPhones/cameras/whatnot in full documentary mode.

Not the escort you want when landing.

I want my fashionable, shiny, keep me from becoming a charcoal briquette suit!!!
All was cleared, but the plane now had to non-working smoke detectors, so we had to disembark and wait for a new plane to arrive.  Southwest did a good job and got one there in an hour, however, now our flight from Tampa to Key West (which was supposed to be the same plane we were on) was cancelled because they had to get another plane diverted for the Tampa passengers.  So, at this moment we know we are going to get as far as Tampa, and then we'd find out our fate there.

Off to Tampa we go, I'm now fortified with some decongestants for the next landing, and really, really not wanting to be on a plane anymore.  At Tampa, they tell us we can a)fly to Ft. Lauderdale and drive down (that would put us in Key West about 9:30pm-ish  b)they'll fly us to New Orleans, we can spend the rest of day and evening their and they'd fly us to Key West Saturday morning--not an option since we have our boat survey scheduled.  or c)we can start hoofing it down from Tampa via car.  

We did the math and decided c) was probably the best choice for us...ha ha ha.  Tim makes some changes to the car reservation.  (Join the loyalty clubs, people, they are very patient with your nonsense).  They pull our luggage from the New Orleans flight and we set out on our merry way.

Until we started hitting massive rain storms. At which point, driving is no longer going to be fun and we are not going to get into Key West until late at the rate we are going (no visibility to drive was awful).

Okay, on to plan D.  Tim was seriously considering finding the nearest airport and seeing if some General Aviation pilot had a plane to fly us (yeah, because we want to do that in rain storms).  The high speed ferry from Fort Meyers to Key West only leaves in the morning, so that wouldn't work.

Cape Air Airlines.  BINGO.  Sure enough they had availability left.  a 6pm flight, plenty of time for us to get down to Ft. Meyers, we were about 45 minutes away, chill out and get on a flight.  They were amazingly cheap also considering we book two hours before the flight.  So once again, Tim calls the car rental company to rearrange the cars (I'm sure they were thinking, seriously?)

So, pretty much after starting at 7am in Kansas City.  We arrived in Key West only 6 hours late, still way before driving or flying to Ft. Laud would have done for us.  And we got to fly on this cool, albeit uncomfortable, little Cessna 420 with wonder boy Yoshii the pilot.

The other side had pirates.  This side was Captain Tony.
Tim got to fly co-pilot. God help us all.

We ARRIVED in Key West finally!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Weather alamanac 2013

Long time since posting.

Lots of projects...updates soon.

Lots of experimenting with food recipes....updates soon.

Boat sale 70% complete....update soon.

However, the last few years, around this time of year, I post something that represents how freaking unpleasant summer in the Midwest can be.

Last year, toooooooo hot.

Year before that? 

We had TURKEYS trying to come in for a skinny dip.

This year.  We are becoming a bit mildew-y/moldy.  Usually what becomes yellow this time of year has now become a verdant forest.  Granted we've had nippy July 4 and early August days. But this time it's not really chilly, it's very .... moist. 

Tropical forest moist.

Lord of the Rings landscape....

One mushroom has popped up per hour in the last 12 hours.
Full Fairy Ring mode by tomorrow morning.