Okay, first of all. The Spouse and I are not the cutesy couple with matching boat outfits and other assorted goofiness. We for the most part, manage to get by on a daily basis (at least in working hours) as normal human beings with respectable jobs and positions of authority.
However, when it comes to assorted boat toys, it seems everything has to have a name. Don't ask me why, I have a feeling alcohol becomes involved....note: Tiny Dancer
So, as we were hanging out having sundowners the day after Christmas (if you live in cold climates, just stick carrots in your eyes now). And gloating over our new purchases that we had been buzzing around on just earlier that day in the warm tropical air, saying: this doesn't suck.
So I proceed to yammer on about the Montagues and the Capulets. (Our bikes are Montague brand) To which my Tom Clancy, British Naval history reading husband goes WTF?
So, thus begins the Cliff's notes version of Romeo and Juliet.
And then, spouse: the bikes are now Romeo and Juliet.
And to further cement the fate that has thus bestowed upon his cleverness, we see this sign later on Duval:
BTW--Michael, if you read this, yes, you were riding Juliet. However, I won't let the guys know...oh, wait....whoops.
However, kind sir, thou was such a noble knight to traverse back and forth to the rental car company with Sir Compy Comp to procure more motorized transportation.
I'd pay good money to see the two of you dressed up in matching outfits but then again, that would surely signal the end of days!