As the top says, we like to sail, travel and eat. Most of this blog is written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Beware that I might get a bit salty with the language at times, but it's all in good fun.
And despite what you may read, we are a very happily married couple.because we can laugh at ourselves.
Laugh. Love. Eat. Sail. Enjoy.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Keeping the economy alive one boat toy at a time

It's been a pretty productive day for our pocketbooks. However, one thing was already purchased and the other two kinda fell in our laps like a gift from the Key West gods.

The first became top of the spouses rapidly evolving priorities concerning all things sailboat after the requisite rum drink after snorkeling was delivered sans ice.  That JUST won't DO.  (Something about us and wanting sweet fruity drinks after snorkeling, I think it's to counteract the salt water).

So after much OCD research, my boy picked out an icemaker and had it delivered to the marina.  Storage of this bad boy is up for debate because it just might require that Tim would have to reallocate some of his junk pile space for it.  We shall see.  However, tonight, we've christianed it with drinkie drinks, it works and that's groovy.

Ice is civiliation.--Harrison Ford in Mosquito Coast.

The second purchase wound up being the dumb luck coup of the century.  We were wandering around downtown Key West and we stopped by West Marine.  So we decided to ask about folding bikes and some sales we saw advertised and blah, blah, blah.

Now, I had some requirements for my boat bike, it had to be easily to adjust seat/handle bar height, break down and NO SMALL WHEELS!  Holy crap, I do not need one more thing to make me look goofy.  However, I get those bikes, I really do, they just ain't for Miss Legs here.

So while chatting with West Marine dude, we told him what we were looking for and he says:  "I have those in the store."

What? WHAT? Seriously? OMG--mega super monster West Marine doesn't even have these in stock. There's a reason, they are stock that don't quite move so well, if the dustiness of the bikes was any indication.

So, I left my husband to start wheeling and dealing, yep, sure enough, they want the bikes gone, and they matched the price we found on the internet.  Whoo hoo.  Bike-o-rama!

So, now we have collapsible bikes for the boat and in-port visits.  We biked around town dodging the Conch Train and tourists for a while and then Tim used his to bike back from the airport after returning the rental car.

One thing after we visited the Eaton Bike Shop I didn't get and I wish I had was the bell that says "Get the f*&# out of my way"  After having the third cruise ship passenger just barge into traffic in front of me I was ready to run some folks down.

So here's our new acquisition---

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