As the top says, we like to sail, travel and eat. Most of this blog is written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Beware that I might get a bit salty with the language at times, but it's all in good fun.
And despite what you may read, we are a very happily married couple.because we can laugh at ourselves.
Laugh. Love. Eat. Sail. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

With friends and In Bruges

Criminey, I have been so lazy with the blog lately.  After the first month of procrastination, I did have some very valid reasons, but no more excuses.

These pics are from the last leg of our trip to Europe, a shout out to the movie In Bruge which we promptly watched after visiting there.  Hilarious.

So synopis, we hung out in Dusseldorf with our friends Rich and Renee, the four of us went to Bruges for a trip (completing our let's follow the World Cup team tour) and then wound up in Cologne.

Dusseldorf, Germany

Our bar tab.  Seriously, who in the US would be able to tally that up in their heads, make
change without a POS system.  Nobody.  Learn your math people.

Low tide on the North Sea.  Unusually warm, unusually calm.
I said, I don't think this is the North Sea.


The main square in Bruge, very very beautiful.

Bruges. (There's a reference to this cathedral in the movie)

World Cup time!

The canals at night.

Water your horses here folks.

It's like a *bleep* fairy tale--quote from In Bruges.

No longer Bruges--this is the Dom in Cologne.  Oh, so beautiful.

The locks on the bridge.  Tradition states you put you and your sweethearts
name on the lock and then throw the key into the river.
Turned out too popular, because they have to remove the locks every do so  often
before the bridge goes into the drink from all the weight.
It's also a train bridge, so that would be quite awful.

A Roman tiled floor found while excavating in Cologne.

The Dom at night.

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