As the top says, we like to sail, travel and eat. Most of this blog is written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Beware that I might get a bit salty with the language at times, but it's all in good fun.
And despite what you may read, we are a very happily married couple.because we can laugh at ourselves.
Laugh. Love. Eat. Sail. Enjoy.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Compy Comp's Nemesis

aka ...  COLOR

My spouse is color blind, from what we can tell from the tests...ALL of it.

So, here are some tests for red/green color blindness. If you don't pass, the rest is a little important for mariners.

Answers below:




  1. 8
  2. If you are not color blind, you will see a yellow square and a faint brown circle.  If you are red/green color blind you will only see the square. If you are my spouse, you will go, huh?
  3. 6

Now what does this mean?  Check this out.  Looks pretty innocuous close up, but far away?  No way in hell for a color blind person.  And if you are forty--cough cough--ish, seeing the shapes ain't too whoopee either.

This is the entrance to our marina looking out from the marina.
From the channel its a hard turn to port with two other channel
markers there to make it exciting.

Just remember, some of the challenges aren't necessary coming from the weather or the ocean....


  1. Careful with the 40'ish comments there sister! hee hee

    Fair Winds

  2. I'm in the category of, I can see the colors at a distance, but not always the shapes....

    at least if one of us can get 50% there, right?
