We finally put forth a bimini plan. I once again, had a full revolt and simply said, talk to me when you have the bimini design how you wants it.
And with much re-engineering and design, Compy Comp pulled together a good plan. Sometimes the: "As long as you are happy, honey, I'm happy" line really does work!
So, now. It's time to do the canvas. I finally got a 3 hour window in which the wind had truly died on the lake. It got to be insane how I would touch the patterning material and all of a sudden the wind would appear.
But I digress..
The start of any project, clothing, canvas, upholstery is very intimidating. I will actually try to do some real time descriptions of the work this time. There's some good books/videos/advice out there, but every bimini is different. I got lucky because I have the old canvas to sheet off of and refer to.
Now this pile of crap will somehow become a bimini. |
What you see above:
1. patterning material, actually still taped together. marked for zippers, window, hems, backstay slots.
Still needs to be shortened to fit new frame (already marked) and the hems taken up a bit so that they don't block our view like the old one did.
2. sunbrella fabric (marine grade), dacron for reinforcement in places and chafe guard.
3. window material so that we can see our windex from the helm
4. zippers galore.
5. thread, velcro for window cover, assorted crap. I also have webbing for straps but the re-design might not need it.
More later on how this pans out.
Go sailing sista, go sailing sista, go sailing sista.....your cheering section is cheering you on!