As the top says, we like to sail, travel and eat. Most of this blog is written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Beware that I might get a bit salty with the language at times, but it's all in good fun.
And despite what you may read, we are a very happily married couple.because we can laugh at ourselves.
Laugh. Love. Eat. Sail. Enjoy.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The adventure begins

Actually it began a fine Sunday afternoon, with a brisk 15 kt breeze from the SSW.  Everybody was out, life was good.

And then......."it just ain't the same as sailing on the ocean."

And then........"let's move it back down to Florida."



Now what.

Now, comes the planning, the researching, more planning, contacting friends and acquaintances and in some situations complete strangers.

The beautiful thing about the sailing community is--EVERYBODY has an opinion.

So, I'll detail more about all that later.  Right now, let's start with the great battery caper.  The spouse is a non-practicing engineer, but every once in awhile...that engineer rears its ugly head.  The case in point this time?  Our battery bank, and now when I say battery bank, I don't mean your local savings and loan, I mean the whole freaking Federal Reserve.

On. My. Boat.

So how many batteries is apparently enough for a 2006 36' Hunter?

Not two.

Nope, not three.

Not four either.

How's about SIX!  YES SIX!!!!!!  Big ass muthas too. (That's my professional term for them, so shut up)

So tonight, impromptu dock project as CompyComp keeps rolling down the dock with batteries...and more batteries...and MORE batteries.  Our friends, AKA the old man dock club, just look and stare and yep, there it is: WTF?

Grateful was I that I got an invitation to go get pizza for the boys while they commenced with the big battery project.  Which usually consists of a lot of beer drinking and 'planning'.

But it gets better.  How could it you ask?  Oh, ye of little faith.

Somehow--can't imagine how, she says to herself sarcastically--somehow there was what we call a
'spark' and said 'spark' off of the 60,000 volts of batteries now installed somehow managed to short out the battery charger.  This would be our second battery charger since the first got zapped by lightning the first year we had the boat up on the lake.

SO,  thus ended the Friday Night fun with me standing there looking like Kermit the Frog with my lower lip pulled up over my face and trying not to laugh and my husband not happy. (Actually he was, now he gets to buy more gizmos!)

--Special K


The Meeting of the Minds

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