As the top says, we like to sail, travel and eat. Most of this blog is written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Beware that I might get a bit salty with the language at times, but it's all in good fun.
And despite what you may read, we are a very happily married couple.because we can laugh at ourselves.
Laugh. Love. Eat. Sail. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Stockholm, Sweden

This is the first of a few posts, been incredibly lazy lately.

A few weeks ago we spent 10 days in Europe, the spouse had a business trip to Sweden, so I tagged along.

Stockholm was awesome, people were incredibly nice.  Also super apologetic that they were having a cold spell (the temps were hovering around 60 degrees instead of the usual 75).  I felt sorry for them, when you only have three months of warm summery weather a year, it sucks to lose several weeks of it.

Getting into Sweden was scarily easy, no forms to fill out, just a quick question/answer and on your way.  Of course, after an overnight trip, I tend to be a little loopy, so going out to the taxi stand free for all was wow.  Evidently, there is no regulation, so it's luck of the draw, we got lucky and our taxi cost the 'normal' amount, some taxis charge 3 times the average rate.  Yikes.

We stayed at the Bern Hotel, lovely place, rooms were typical size in the European sense, but I wasn't there to hang out in the room.  Free Wifi (Hello, Marriott? get with the program!)

Below is some of the general pics, there will be a few more posts with specific things we saw.

The harbor area by our hotel.

Old City, Gamla Stans.  Full of funky shops, touristy shops
and lots of eats.

Pretty blue gateway to one of the many parks.

One of the many museums.  Building was huge, hardly anything in it. 
A LIGHT BOAT.  Totally cool.

Former King of Sweden from 1600s or so.  Big fella.

Church and the side of the castle in Gamla Stans.

Gamla Stans again, one of the plazas.

Yes, Sabrina, that is a pressure cooker banjo.
Like I said, funky cool stores.

Parliament building.

One of the super tiny allies in Old Town.
Cars will scoot down them with inches to spare.
No thank you.