But wait, is that a picture of a......dandelion?
Yes, yes it is.
This fella has been here since last June. June 2012. Since then, he's (I don't know why it's a he, but it is) been blasted with Roundup at least twice; endured several days of 100+ temps with no rain, packed in between patio bricks and a hot foundation; buried under a foot of snow at least twice.
Yet, her he (or she) has remained green and growing the entire time.
So, in all ironies, I cannot seem to keep a plant, outdoor annual or ornamental bush alive, but Percy (perseverance, yah?), being subject to attempted herbicide and extreme weather conditions is still here.
And I think that's pretty damn cool.
However, the spouse says Percy is going to have a date with Roundup pretty soon.
Long live PERCY!
(Paid for by the Save Percy Foundation)